室內設計師: Victor Tse | 香港室內設計師網 Interior Design Platform

Victor Tse

(As the founder of VT Design Engineering, Victor TSE has more than 19 years of luxury interior design experience. Victor has the vision in applying sophisticated and spectacular lifestyle in all projects. Victor oversees the design, management and business)

Victor Tse
  • 香港室內設計師
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  • 總評分: N/A
  • 瀏灠次數: 1963
  • 傳媒報導: 0
  • 專欄文章: 0


As the founder of VT Design Engineering, Victor TSE has more than 19 years of luxury interior design experience. Victor has the vision in applying sophisticated and spectacular lifestyle in all projects. Victor oversees the design, management and business development of the firm.


Victor sophisticated sense of space, proportion, color and detail is appreciated by the Clients, as well as notable publicly listed property developers in Hong Kong and Macau. The philosophy of inserting “a soul” into VT Design Engineering’s projects has become his design slogan.


Project Management is another significant emphasis for Victor. With a thorough understanding of

VT Design Engineering's Client needs, design solutions reflecting timelessness and quality are

realized by meeting the Client’s aesthetic goals and the project's practical requirements.


Victor’s proactive approach is well known to VT Design Engineering’s Clients, which establishes

and enhances the firm’s long working relationships.

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